Test Beam Gallery & FAQ

The slider object does not work in manage or preview mode.


I do not see any beam ?

Is the shutter open? Magnet powered? Check the Test beam Display and the scope, if there is no activity there, call BKR to see if the primary target is in the beam. If the problem remains, consult with the coordinators

How should I register at the DESY hostel under "DESY Group"?

Please use the form DESY Hostel registration form and indicate under DESY-Group "FH-Test Beam".

Are the beam parameters stored somewhere?

Yes, they are stored in the TINE archives, please ask us for details ..

Can we print on the printer in Hut 22/21?

Yes, MEAPS5 is also visible from the DESY guest network

Is there EDUROAM?

Yes, EDUROAM is available in all beam lines.