Wilfried Buchmüller


Wilfried Buchmüller

T. +49 (0)40 8998-2424
E. wilfried.buchmueller@desy.de

Particle Cosmology and Unified Theories

Wilfried Buchmüller is professor of theoretical particle physics at the University of Hamburg and leading scientist at DESY. He focusses on the interface of particle physics and cosmology. The fundamental laws of nature, as described by the Standard Model of particle physics, exhibit an increasing amount of symmetries, as one probes progressively shorter distances. Pursuing this development beyond the Standard Model, one is led to supersymmetric theories, which unify electromagnetic, weak and strong forces, in four and more space-time dimensions. Physics at the shortest distances is closely related to the evolution of the very early universe, in particular the matter-antimatter asymmetry, dark matter and gravitational waves.