Test Beam
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Photon Science
Particle Physics
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Ein Forschungszentrum der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
Test Beam
Division heads & Contact
HEP-Leading Scientists
Ties Behnke
Kerstin Borras
Freya Blekman
Elisabetta Gallo
Ingrid-Maria Gregor
Christophe Grojean
Cigdem Issever
Matthias Kasemann
Klaus Mönig
Joachim Mnich
Krisztian Peters
Volker Schomerus
Christian Schwanenberger
Geraldine Servant
Georg Weiglein
Kerstin Tackmann
Organisation chart
Wilfried Buchmüller
Brian Foster
Events & News
Seminars at DESY
Physics at the Terascale
Jugend Forscht gives kids’ research a chance at the national stage
Talks on innovation and transfer at DESY
Father of string theory Edward Witten at masterclass in Hamburg
DESY scientist Sarah Heim joins University of Hamburg as professor of physics
IFB funding for quantum computing project HQML
Important detector component for CERN experiment is now in Hamburg
ERC Starting Grant for Aditya Pathak
Katharina Behr wins Hertha Sponer Prize
Bjørn H. Wiik Prize 2024 goes to Ludovica Aperio Bella
DESY welcomes QBN: Expert workshop on the future of quantum computing
Scientists from the CMS collaboration observe a new effect
APS Panofsky Prize for Eckhard Elsen and Robert Klanner
2024 Beamline for Schools winners begin experiments
W boson on the particle scale
Computing School comes to Hamburg
Max Klein 1951-2024
When research and art join paths: a musical dialogue between science and spirituality
Summer School and Ukraine Summer School begin at DESY
Philipp Neumann is new lead scientist and head of DESY IT
Mapping the unknown
Students from Estonia, Japan and the USA win the 11th edition of Beamline for Schools
The "Kleine Forscher Hamburg" network celebrates its fifth anniversary at DESY
Science City Day: Welcome to DESY!
MADMAX reaches major milestones and first physics results
Honorary doctorate for DESY research director
Future Day for girls and boys
DESY scientists take up central role in LHC experiments
Cutting-edge science in a cozy atmosphere
Israeli high school students visit DESY in Hamburg
The CMS experiment at CERN measures a crucial parameter of the Standard Model
DESY and Helmut Schmidt University expand their collaboration
Kerstin Tackmann appointed physics coordinator of the ATLAS Collaboration
One hundred years of living physics history
European Research Council grant for Priscilla Pani
New Emmy Noether Research Group for DESY theorist Johannes Braathen
Counting bosons to improve data analysis at the LHC
From basic research to application: Broadly applicable gas pressure sensor filed for patent
News archive-2020
ALPS II achieves world record
Science up close: "How it all began: Of Galaxies, Quarks, and Collisions"
A universe of music
Volker Soergel 1931 - 2022
Staatssekretärin Judith Pirscher zu Gast bei DESY
Team “Supercooling” from France starts its Beamline-for-Schools experiments
15 Jahre Science Café DESY
Summer student season
CERN Beamline for Schools competition winners will come to DESY
Strategy update: DESY gets fit for the future
DESY gewinnt “Hamburg 2040”-Award
Partnership on quantum computing: DESY joins the IBM Quantum Network
Wissen vom Fass 2022: Endlich wieder live!
First Diversity Day at DESY
Detector expert Ingrid Gregor becomes new Lead Scientist
Anschub für Data Science in den Naturwissenschaften
Multiple awards for accelerator physicist Sarah Schröder
Funding approved for two new quantum technology projects
ALPS II magnets all powered up
CMS reaches new level in precision for the strong coupling constant
News archive-2020
Belle II detects rare particle decay
Searching for new exotic particles
The Wire Wizards ride into Hamburg
European Research Council funds search for cosmic neutrinos and Dark Matter
Europe’s largest particle physics conference comes to Hamburg
DESY mourns the death of Dieter Trines
Made in Germany: World’s thinnest pixel vertex detector installed in Japan
Preparing for a quantum (computing) leap
Return of the “Summies”: the summer student programme at DESY is back
String theorist Edward Witten receives Hamburg Prize for Theoretical Physics
German Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach visits DESY
Breakthrough in the search for slowly oscillating gravitational waves
Pupils from the Netherlands coming to DESY as Beamline for Schools Winners
Do quarks interact with the cosmos?
Helmholtz AI Conference 2023 hosted by DESY
German–French laboratory for dark matter research founded
Tau lepton mass is measured at Belle II with the highest precision to date
New ATLAS observation: Three different bosons at once
‘Light shining through a wall’ experiment ALPS starts searching for dark matter
Researchers quench thirst for knowledge in Hamburg's bars on May 11
Music, religion and science meet in an opera about creation
CMS publishes the first measurement at the highest-ever energy
Rare four top quark decay spotted
Research team detects first neutrinos made by a particle collider
Kerstin Tackmann selected for visiting professorship in Berkeley
Journey to the Big Bang extended until May 7, 2023!
ATLAS Ph.D. Award for Emily Thompson
Paul Söding celebrates 90th birthday
A chance for students: DESY-Ukraine Winter School underway
DESY's physics.begreifen student laboratory celebrates its 25th anniversary
We say no to violence against women and girls
Strengthening international ties
News archive-2020
Achievement Award der Belle II-Kollaboration für Michel Hernandez Villanueva
ALPS magnets cooled down to minus 269 degrees
Beate Heinemann to become new Director in charge of Particle Physics at DESY
New Emmy-Noether Group at DESY Theory
Brandenburg funds centre for quantum computing with 12.8 million euros
DESY distinction for Albrecht Wagner and Jochen Schneider
First-class DESY trainees
Jens Osterhoff to receive the Bjørn H. Wiik Prize 2021
Freya Blekman joins DESY particle physics division
„Wissen vom Fass“: Der Jahrgang 2021 geht rein digital an den Start
Flattening the wave
They’re here! Beamline for Schools winning teams arrive at DESY
DESY und die TU Dresden touren mit „Urknall Unterwegs“ durch Hamburgs Bezirke
DESY signs Diversity Charter
New app for Corona risk assessment: CoVis
DESY welcomes summer students from 25 nations
Making research data transparent and sustainably available
Beam them up: high school students turn into researchers
Quantenforscher Eugene Demler erhält Hamburger Preis für Theoretische Physik
Seeking a faster pathway to synthetic data
The kaon is the key
Register now for Beamline for Schools 2021
DESY und KEK put cooperation on a new basis
CMS pushes the precision frontier
EU project for innovative particle detectors
Theory to help experiment make the most of precision measurements
Research team at Universität Hamburg works on new COVID-19 rapid test
EU innovation funds for five DESY projects
News archive-2020
All ALPS magnets installed in the tunnel
DESY Research Director joins CERN management
Research via Zoom
Photon meets photon - at highest energies
Mirror, mirror on the wall …
Belle II: World record in the accelerator
Hamburg Prize for Theoretical Physics 2020 goes to Valery Rubakov
DESY produces face shields for Hamburg's doctors and nursing facilities
A solar telescope in search of dark matter
DESY begins transition to Secured Normal Operation
In search of the Z' boson
DESY operates in reduced mode
CMS Achievement Award for DESY postdoc
News archive-2019
60 years of DESY - From Hamburg particle accelerator to global research centre
DPG award for ATLAS physicist Priscilla Pani
Quantum computing pioneer
The many faces of the top quark mass
Dark Matter search enters new chapter
Beamline for Schools student teams arrive in Hamburg
DESY strengthens cooperation with Armenia
New research group for studying the structure of strongly interacting particles
The experience of a lifetime
DESY welcomes more than 100 summer students
Hamburg will build a science district around DESY
Top researcher Çiğdem İşsever to become Leading Scientist at DESY
Detector Assembly Facility now fully operational
Dutch and US students win 2019 Beamline for Schools competition
Happy birthday gluon
Humboldt Award for Juan Fuster
B factory goes into serial production
Dark Matter may be hitting the right note in small galaxies
Two thesis awards for DESY students
Working together for a sound STEM education: DESY is the new local network partner of the “Little Scientists’ House” in Hamburg
News archive-2018
Astroparticle physics to become research division at DESY
Scientists for two weeks
Green light for construction of world's largest gamma-ray observatory
Graduate School for Multimessenger Astronomy
Making KONTAKT with the public
„Antimatter search engine“ Belle II is now complete
President and professor
International Cosmic Day - Young people explore cosmic rays worldwide
Strong focus on plasma lenses
Outstanding doctoral theses receive awards at DESY
Kerstin Tackmann new Lead Scientist at DESY
Georg Forster Fellowship for Sara Taheri Monfared
First CTA telescope inaugurated
Kick-off for graduate school in data science
Kerstin Borras becomes APS Fellow
Science meets art: Astroparticle Immersive Synthesizer³ – AIS³ [aiskju:b]
Scientists discover long-sought Higgs decay
German-Canadian network for quantum computing and data analytics established
DESY welcomes 117 summer students from more than 30 countries
Breakthrough in the search for cosmic particle accelerators
FLASHForward makes waves
Weighty insights from heavy quarks
On top of the Higgs
Detector prototype sees beam
Hiroshi Ooguri awarded the Hamburg Prize for Theoretical Physics
Detector Assembly Facility goes into operation
Humboldt award for Hitoshi Murayama: starting the search for SIMPs
First collisions in the upgraded SuperKEKB accelerator
SuperKEKB kicks into gear
6. International Cosmic Day
Research activities
CMS Experiment
ATLAS Experiment
Research groups
Previous DESY-experiments
H1 and ZEUS experiments
Third party funded projects
Funding programs
Infrastructure Groups
Education & Career
DESY pupils program
HEP for Students
Henriette Herz Scout
DESY open positions
DESY- education programme
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Tier-2 & NAF
Division heads & Contact
HEP-Leading Scientists
Organisation chart
Organisation chart
Organisation chart
DESY organisation chart
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