Funding organizations & funding programs listed by career phase:
Master and PhD students
DAAD , es for example
" Research Grants - Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees / Cotutelle - Helmholtz Visiting Researcher Grant
Scientists with PhD degree
ERC grants (Please note DESY internal ERC-procedure)
Starting (2-7 years after PhD )
Consolidator (7-12 years after PhD)
Advanced (significant research achievements in the last 10 years)
Helmholtz Association :
Helmholtz Young Investigator Groups(2-6 years after PhD)
Funding of first-time professorial appointments of excellent women scientists (excellent female scientists, junior professorship, young investigators group leadership position, or another post-doctoral position
Distinguished Professorship (internationally leading female scientists/professors)
Visiting Researcher Grant (PhDs, Postdocs)
Helmholtz Application will be submitted centrally via DESY-directorate, for further details see the teaser box upper right
Application from DESY has to fullfill the requirement to cooperate with a University, but this requirement does not apply if you have a temporary contract & some other exception (for further details do not hesitate to contact us an).
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Humboldt Research Fellowship (non-German researchers outside German education system)
Georg-Foster Award (internationally highly recognized scientist from developing and emerging countries in accordance with OECD (excl. China and India))
Options for INTERNATIONAL collaboration :
The Simons Foundation Mathematics and Physical Sciences (MPS) division supports research in mathematics, theoretical physics and theoretical computer science by providing funding for individuals, institutions and science infrastructure.
The German-American Fulbright Commission (Fulbright Germany) facilitates cross-border international understanding through academic exchange. As the only binational exchange organization in Germany with a US focus, we award around 700 scholarships annually for study, research, teaching and continuing education in the USA and Germany, thereby actively promoting transatlantic dialogue and creating opportunities and space for experiences through various types of encounters.
The collaborative track for joint proposals by German and Israeli researchers funds projects of up to 4 years, with an annual budget of maximum EUR 200,000 total for all PIs (i.e the maximum project budget is EUR 800,000 for 4 years).