Ingrid-Maria Gregor

Ingrid-Maria Gregor - Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY

Ingrid-Maria Gregor

Particle physics: ATLAS experiment at the LHC and detector development

Ingrid-Maria Gregor leads the ATLAS group at DESY and is a specialist in detector development, especially silicon tracking detectors. Her group is responsible for producing an endcap for the silicon tracking detector of the upgrade ATLAS experiment for the start of the High-Luminosity LHC. She is also a professor for detector physics at Universität Bonn.

Throughout her scientific career, Ingrid Gregor has been working in large international particle physics collaborations such as DELPHI at LEP and ATLAS at LHC, both based at CERN as well as HERMES and ZEUS at HERA (DESY). In these experiments, she is fascinated about the actual instruments to detect the particles (sensors), the complex detector systems and how to reconstruct particle physics events from the data taken. In all collaborations, she has carried responsibilities in significant parts of detector development, construction and operation. 

After doing her PhD in ATLAS, she worked for the HERA experiments HERMES developing and constructing the Recoil Detector for the final phase of the operation of the HERMES experiment. When moving to a different sector of the HERA ring to the ZEUS experiment she became the ZEUS calorimeter coordinator. At the same time she started the development of a high-resolution pixel beam telescope being used at test beams to study newly developed detectors. By now seven copies of the pixel telescopes can be used at the test beams at DESY, CERN and SLAC. 

After re-joining the ATLAS collaboration she is now leading the ATLAS group at DESY which is working on operation, data analysis, and is one of the largest groups in the international ATLAS collaboration. It is also heavily involved in preparing ATLAS for the luminosity upgrade of the LHC. 

Additionally, she is working on generic R&D to develop next generation silicon tracking detectors for future particle physics tracking detectors. New pixel detectors which are thinner, faster and have a much better spatial resolution are the goal of this work. 

Ingrid Gregor is currently the chair of the Scientific Committee at DESY, a committee advising the DESY directorate in strategic questions around research at DESY.

Academic career

Lead scientist at DESY with joint appointment with Universität Bonn 
2019 - 2022
Joint appointment DESY and Universität Bonn
Staff scientist at DESY in Hamburg
2002-2005 Post-doctoral fellow at DESY in Zeuthen
2001-2002 Post-doctoral researcher at Universität Wuppertal
2001 PhD Universität Wuppertal, Thesis "Optical Links for the ATLAS Pixel Detector"
1998-2001 Research assistant at Universität Wuppertal
1998 Physics Diploma, Universität Wuppertal: "A Multi-Channel Dosimeter with Scintillating Fibres – Studies at Energies above 1 MeV”


Awards, memberships and roles

2020-present Chair of the Scientific Committee at DESY
2015-present Group leader of the DESY ATLAS Group
2013-2017 Project leader of the ATLAS strip detector upgrade
2014 Scientific programme chair of the "IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium"
2012-2015 Deputy group leader of the DESY ATLAS Group
2006-2013 DESY II test beam coordinator
2007-2013 Work package leader for the EU-funded projects EUDET and AIDA for the development of a high-resolution pixel telescop
2005-2007 ZEUS calorimeter coordinator
2004-2005 Technical coordinator of the HERMES Recoil Detector
2002 Award for the best PhD thesis 2001: From the society of the friends of the Bergische University Wuppertal