Kai Schmidt-Hoberg

Additional information



Kai Schmidt-Hoberg

T. +49 (0)40 8998 1494
E. kai.schmidt-hoberg@desy.de




Kai Schmidt-Hoberg is a member of the DESY theory group. His research focuses on the interplay between theoretical particle and astro-particle physics beyond the standard model. In particular, Schmidt-Hoberg studies the mysterious dark matter, with an emphasis on developing theoretical models as well as identifying promising experimental signatures. Since 2015 Schmidt-Hoberg is the leader of his own research group funded by an ERC starting grant.

Academic career

since 2015 Principal Investigator of the ERC starting grant 'NewAve'
since 2014 Staff scientist at DESY
2012-2014 Fellow at CERN
2010-2012 Postdoc, University of Oxford (UK)
2007-2010 Postdoc, Technical University Munich